
Ride Report for Ride Captain GPopss

Warriors’ Watch Rider’s received a request from Member’s Steve and Lynn Robertson to help them Welcome Home their son Tyler upon his safe return from deployment in Afghanistan! In October 2011 we had the privilege of sending Tyler off, and we couldn’t wait for his return!

When we surprised him in October his family and friend set him up to come to our rally point at a local convenience store by saying his friend was stranded there, his car had broken down. This time he was sent to a local grocery store under the premise he was picking up a birthday cake for his mom’s 50th birthday! Well Tyler, you’re the only one that was getting a surprise this day!

About 30 Warriors’ Watch Rider’s Member’s were joined by A Hero’s Welcome and Lower Salford PD at our rally location. We set a flag line for Lt. Robertson’s arrival. On his way to the store he told his wife Kristin that his spider senses were tingling! They arrived and were welcomed with shouts of welcome home. Tyler and Kristin exited their vehicle and a line of member’s assembled to greet and hug Tyler as Kristin stood behind her husband wiping happy tears from her eyes.

We were escorted the 2 miles down route 113 in Harleysville and turned off to the side street to the family home. We typically make a lot of noise, but as we neared our destination the noise level went up a few decibels as we were greeted by several Harleysville Fire Department Vehicles and about 100 friends and neighbors!

We pulled into the driveway and gathered by the house to formally welcome Tyler home and present him with A Hero’s Welcome Certificate. This day was a bonus mission and we also presented Tyler’s brother Sr. Airman Ian Robertson with our honor Coin and certificate.

We wrapped up our mission by singing Happy Birthday to Lynn and gathering for a group shot. Thanks to the Robertson Family for allowing us to join them in their celebration and a job well done by all.