Ride Report posted for Bruce
June 13th was a great day for a Welcome Home.  We gathered at fire-base 69 at about 0815.  it was agreat turn-out for an early morning work day. We had about 15 bikes and 5 cages.  Proud mom and dad were there.  Dad continued to thank us over and over for what we were doing for his son. we did a short ride briefing and saddled up to get our hero.  We arrived at the PHL.  We set up our flag line on the steps and our hero came right on time caring his son down the steps along with wife Meghan and mom and dad.  bobcat put the Hero signs on their car our State Police escort was there so we moved out heading for Glen Side.  We arrived in about 15 minutes thanks to the fantastic job of the State Police.  When we got to the Capts. home wife Meghan had subs and water for us set up by dad Pat.  Thanks Pat.  We coined our hero and he received his certificate from a Hero’s Welcome then we let the family do their own welcome home and we departed.  Special thanks to bobcat for a great last minute job.  The Pa. State Police for a  job well done as always.  A Hero’s Welcome, SBMC, the Phila. Airport Police for keeping our scoots safe and all who attended.