Ride Report posted for Matter

Thought I’d click up a quick ride report while still fresh in my mind..

But before I began this report, I had my other duty to perform… The posting of 3 more KIAs on the Virtual Warriors’ Walk.. These 3 knew the risks they were getting into.. So did Sparky. He served, and it is why, when asked, we stood for him.. Gladly and with humble thanks for his service. Sparky did not die during active service, but that does not diminish his service one little bit.

I never met Sparky… But based on his family and friends, I wished I would have.. A Marine and a Musician.. I saw several guitars going in and out of the funeral home. His young daughter told me that he taught her to play.. What a great gift to give a child.. The knowledge and joy of music. I am sure he also gave her some of her poise, perhaps from the training he received as a Marine. When I presented her with our honor beads, and explained the meaning.. She was able to recite back that meaning to others who asked.

Many others came and went and there was some joyous celebration of his life in the parking lot which I am sure Sparky would have enjoyed.

It is generally not our job to partake in those celebrations inside or out… Not because we are not invited or welcome (we were) but because we feel our job is to stand that line, holding those flags, for someone who stood for us..

Like I said, I never met Sparky, but feel as if I know him a little, based largely on the discussions I had with his young daughter, other family members, and friends…

Rest in Peace Marine…… Your mission on Earth is done now…

We have the watch now..
