SEPA 12/8 Toys for Tots Escort
Warriors' Watch has again been asked to use our wheels to assist the USMC / DELCO Cruisers Car Club by providing Road Guards for this worthy endeavor.
The 18th annual Holiday Cruise for Kids, which is sponsored by The Delco Cruisers is scheduled for Sunday, December 8th at Rose Tree Park in Media.
Antique cars, motorcycles, and modern cars will assemble and leave at 11:00 a.m. The ride will be police and fire escorted. As in previous years, Santa's reindeer motorcycle riders will lead him and Mrs. Claus.
We are asked to bring a couple unwrapped toys for the children, no stuffed animals please.
Primary Rally Point: Rose Tree Park, 1671 N Providence Rd, Media, PA 19063 Primary Rally Time: 10:30 am KSU: 11:00 am SHARP
RC: 63hotel
Secondary Rally Point: WAWA 9101 FranKford Ave Rally Time: 9:15 KSU: 9:30
RC: Koolaid
_________________ Scouter
Retired Police Officer Son of a Navy Vet