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Warriors' Watch Riders Forums › View topic - Thank you from Roadblock Buffalo Soldiers MC

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 5:04 pm 
Greeting Brothers...
Please relay this message to The Warriors Watch.
On Friday October 6th my mother was laid to rest. If there was ever a day in my life I would call perfect this day was it.
I know it sounds strange considering my only mother, and I being her only son would part ways. However, this day will be remembered for a number of reasons.
I have to turn back the clock a little to explain....
More often than not, when I part or organized a bike run I would automatically notify the Warriors Watch, you guys have always been an extension of the Buffalo Soldiers and I would like to think the same of us to you. Occasionally, I would bring my family. My mom, though never rode a bike she embraced the biker community because of the brotherhood she felt each time I bought my family along, and each of those times she saw the Warriors arm and arm with the Buffalo Soldiers. Then she'd notice every time she saw a United States Soldier coming home on television the Warriors were right there rain or shine escorting the Solider home. Thus, every time my family rode in the rear of a bike run she'd waive with pride as she noticed the crowds of people waving and cheering as the bikes passed by.
We talked often of how proud she was when the Buffalo Soldiers escorted my family to the church when my grandparents passed. When my mom passed I wanted nothing but best for her as I would hope any of you would for your own, so I reached out to Hogrider and Meatball for assistance to make this day one to remember.
I must say, it far exceeded that thanks to all who took part.
I say all of this to express my unmeasured gratitude for your participation in making this day a joyous and memorable day to everyone in attendance, but especially to my mom...
I can't thank you guys enough on behalf of myself, my family, and all those who know of you through me, God bless and thank you for the service you provide, your mission and legacy extends a great distance in the hearts of many.

Always a Brother,
Roadblock (Pa. Buffalo Soldier)

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 12:32 pm 
WWR Coordinator
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Joined: Fri Mar 14, 2014 1:46 pm
Posts: 858
Location: Collegeville Pa.
Very nice message

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