Warriors' Watch Riders Forums

NJ 7/11B 3 WWll vets Mug & Hug

Author:  Tug [ Tue Sep 01, 2015 11:07 pm ]
Post subject:  NJ 7/11B 3 WWll vets Mug & Hug

From one of the heroes daughter

Dear Bonnie, Bob, Jennifer and The Warrior Watch Riders,

This e-mail is long in coming, but believe me - there hasn't been a day that has gone by that I haven't thought of July 11. Hearing so many motorcycles in the distance - and the roar getting louder and louder - truly gives me goose bumps.

Bonnie, when you said you wanted to do something special for my Dad, I never imagined how much this would touch him. I thought five or six motorcycles would come up the street. I believe there were more than 50.

Growing up, my father rarely talked about World War 11. After my Mom passed away he really opened up. In a way, I believe he never wanted to tell her how dangerous his missions were because he protected her from the first day they met. The postcards and love letters that we have discovered, paint a picture of just another ordinary day. That sort of sums up my 94 year old father. Be humble, work hard, get the job done.

Thirteen years ago, the doctors told him he had about 6 months to live. His heart was working about 20%. He answered them that he thought they were wrong; he still had work to do. He said his family needed him and boy oh boy have we!

The Warrior Watch Riders also presented a certificate to my Uncle Ken. Uncle Ken was stationed in Pearl Harbor as a radio operator shortly after the attack. In recent years, he has wanted to visit Pearl Harbor but he was diagnosed with lung cancer. He told me that "The Riders" made up for the urge to go back to Hawaii.

As far as the others that were honored, Ceasar, my two brothers, and my future son-in-law - the experience was amazing. My brothers fought during the Vietnam War and I believe they always felt as though they weren't heroes because they remained in the states. I was in elementary school when they were drafted and I was a teenager when they returned. I can't express how much I missed them and worried about them. My brother Chuck laughs because I wrote him so much that 46 years later I still remember his address.

Sgt. Charles Gravener
Box 9416
Wichita, KS 67211

I saw the look on some of "The Riders" faces. I believe they have lost someone special or are worried about a loved one who is fighting for our freedom this very moment. I will never forget the look on their faces. How unselfish to give up their time on a beautiful, sunny, summer afternoon to honor these men - strangers. My family will forever be grateful.

I don't ride a motorcycle (but for the first time in my life I thought ... "Wow wouldn't that be cool!") If there is anything I can do to help with this worthy cause, let me know. I bake great chocolate chip cookies!!!

Thank You Warrior Watch Riders!

Nancy Norton

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