
Ride Report for Ride Captain Grizzly609

With members from multiple groups, and lots of new faces we left FB168 (dad forgot where we were meeting) and headed for FB69.  After enjoying the shade for a few minutes, it was REALLY hot, and trying to reach dad with a bad cell number we headed for the American Airlines terminal at Philadelphia airport.  After checking with the info desk and discovering that the flight was 7 minutes late, Tug and I went in search of dad in the terminal.  Finding the whole Meyers family standing by the arrival door we staged all of the riders along the escalator and as Brendan rounded the corner he was greeted by about 20 of his newest closest biker friends.

After we got 3 car loads of family gathered together we headed for NJ.  The ride was pretty uneventful until the hamster in my head fell off the wheel at the exit and we passed it.  After a U-turn we were back on track and headed down route 49 through Cumberland County where we were intercepted by the NJSP.  As we neared Tuckahoe we were met by fire and EMS from Marmora and So. Seaville who led us in the rest of the way.

Brendan’s friends and family were thrilled to see us turn down their street in Palermo with their hero in tow.  After lots of hugs and kisses from everyone it was time to have the privilege of presenting Brendan with an honor coin.  Brendan and his family were then interviewed by WMGM TV 40 and Brendan’s dad made an effort to thank everyone individually for bringing his son home.

Thank you Tug for making my first PHL RC escort easy and thank you to all the riders, Police, Fire and EMS for keeping us safe coming in.  And most importantly, thank you Brendan for your service to our country and his family for their sacrifices over the last year without their son.

Local news coverage by WMGM TV 40:
