
Ride Report for Ride Captain Glen DeVries

SPC Thomas McCulley thought he was going to a local Sports Bar to meet with some family and friends.  He had no clue on how he was going to get there.  Needless to say the WWR had something up their sleeve that was going to totally surprise him.  He was greeted at his home by about 25 bikes, 4 cages and the local fire and police departments.  With horns blairing and lights flashing, Thomas had the escort of his life.  He was greeted at the sports bar by a flagline and cheering relatives.  He was presented with the WWR beads and coin, as was his dad that never received a Welcome Home.  Father and son both signed the banner, pictures were taken and the WWR was off to another mission.    Thank you SPC Thomas McCulley.  You received a welcome home that was well deserved.