Ben Keefe served in the United States Army he was with the 10th Mountain Division, 10th Forward Support Battalion. Deployed to Somalia in 93 and Haiti in 94. Later in life he Joined the VFW in McHenry as he moved forward he became VFW Post 4600 Commander. Let's send this Veteran off to Post Everlasting with love and honors.
Departing from VFW Post 4600 McHenry at 1500 hours or 3:00pm.
Short ride to the family's home in Round Lake and then escort them Back to the VFW Post for services.
RC Russ Hyatt 815 276 3875
_________________ The moon gives you light, And the bugles and the drums give you music; And my heart, O my soldiers, my veterans, My heart gives you love."
~Walt Whitman-Drum Taps & IMO Bob (GoArmy) Smith
Riding in Memory of JonD, Proud Parent (Deb), Mike, Irish, Kat, RCRON, Wheelmaster, Chicago Jim, Bob (GoARMY) Smith, Barto, Fitz, Wayne Tronsen, Amps, Wayne (SnakeHawk) Lutz, Chuck, and my father, MSGT Leo Charlier USANG Red Arrow Division.