Warriors' Watch Riders Forums

Thank You from the Vaccaro Family
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Author:  Scouter [ Wed Jun 03, 2020 1:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Thank You from the Vaccaro Family

Good morning WWR,

Hope this continues to find you safe and well.

Just wanted to shout from the rooftops a HUGE thanks to you and your comrades for what you all did for my father. It exceeded my expectations and my father was extremely touched. He seldom talks about his years in the service, but he briefly explained what he experienced when he returned home from Vietnam. Probably sparked by the riots and looting going on. Ugh....as I type this, Mayor Kenny is on the TV removing the Frank Rizzo statue. Unbelievable! I will always continue to support the men and women in law enforcement.

Once again, I wanted to express my gratitude and ask if would kindly pass this along to everyone with Warrior’s Watch on my behalf.

Donna Vaccaro
Daughter of Vincent J. Vaccaro, US ARMY Retired

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