After-Action report, filed by Rob:

Photo by Sean Carpenter. Click photo for more

I think that the weather man is a Patriot. Again we do a day of riding when the weather is suposed to be rainy all day, and we are blessed with a great day. It all startd out with the gathering of the bikes in Marlton at Oscar Hubers parking lot. We ended up with aprox. 20 riders, and I think that is great for a 4th of July parade when it was starting to rain early. We rode over to the Site where the Parade started and and the lot was filled with bands fireman and many other units tht were going to be in the parade. As one unit would leave for the parade, another would arive to stage for there position. There were to be 41 units in this parade, there first in over 20 years. We could not stay around to enjoy the parade after we finished, we had to leave for Glenside for another Parade. We thank Marlton for the invite to be part of there big day. Leslie Drummond of the Yellow Ribbon Club did a great job of organizing the day. Last Saturday we had a welcome home for SSGT Andrew Pearse, and as everybody knows, George Tencza was hit by a car and and was taken to the hospital. He never made that ride. Today that rider was with us directing the parade. God bless you George, good seeing you again.

I just want to thank all of the riders that participated in this ride and made it what it was today. A BIG BIG thanks goes to Tom and Barbara and Brownie for putting up with us at 1/2 time between the 2 parades. Not only did the put up with us, the fed us as well. Welcome to the club BARB. you done good.