Report posted for Rider Coach Judy

‘Warriors’ Watch Riders once again put together in a wonderful showing of support for the Bitton family who lost their son last February to an IED.   The City of Chicago granted its first honorary street name to one of our fallen heros, Albert Bitton.  Alderman Bernard Stone and his daughter, Elana were present to dedicate the newly posted street sign.  The alderman, family, and community members were encircled by about 30 of our members.   We had the assistance of several Chicago Police department officers.  Also present was Jason Whitehorse, the only survivor of the 4 soldiers who were in the humvee.  The Jewish War Veterans also attended this dedication.  It was cold outside (30 degrees), but we stood proudly doing what we do.

We were all invited into the family’s home for a buffet which was set up for us in our honor.

The Bitton family is extremely appreciative of the support shown by Warriors’ Watch Riders.